بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
Today I will share one of tips about windows how to distinguish ISO File Windows in the original format and Untouched, because it's important for us who want to Install Windows that was really original, but after we downloaded the Windows at Internet maybe we found that the Windows not Genuine. But don't worry, it is very easy to do as long as we already have a Windows file and use an application called UltraISO (A homemade software EZB Systems, Inc.. That can make copies of data CDs and DVDs exactly like the original (image) and is capable of handling 46 copies of the data type format different. This program can also perform a variety of file conversion, such as changing the CDDA tracks into MP3 format.)
- First of all, download program UltraISO Premium + Keygen Klik Disini (3.7MB)
- Install UltraISO Premium
- Open Program >> In the Tab File klik Open
- Find ISO file Windows >> klik Open
- After open at program UltraISO >> klik again at Tab File
- Choose Properties >> klik Label,
- So, u will see whether u're windows is genuine or not (see the difference at the picture below)
Windows 7 Genuine
Windows 7 Fake (Not Genuine)
Pertamax gan, nice info ;)
Link donlod dmn gan ?
Link download ad di tulisan 'klik disini' gan..
masalah buat loch??
Link deleted, link alternatif bro
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